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Woodland Beach - Real Haunt in Smyrna DE

  • Woodland Beach
  • Smyrna, DE
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Real Haunted Nature & Outdoors (ie. Haunted Woods)
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Stories that say on moonlight nights, apparitions can be spotted wandering around the place where a 1900s boardwalk used to be.
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  • Woodland Beach Road

    I can get event to whoever reads this my name is Edward and I have a few questions about Woodland Beach Road there's a bridge just before you get to Old Oak Road if you're heading towards the beach if you're coming back it's the first Bridge know about a year-and-a-half ago I was coming home from work on my moped at the time and it was dark because it was run October and as I was approaching this bridge I saw an apparition going from right to left I was worried more about deer but I saw this man dressed in old age and I was wondering what was he doing crossing the road when you got to the double yellow lines he disappeared now that's night at about 9:30 last night at about 9:30 I'm coming home I took the back road again close going to the store and now I was heading towards Old Oak Road towards Woodland Beach and again from right to left The Apparition walked across the road we got to the yellow double lines disappeared now I'm A sound mind not body so much due to the fact that I have no damage but I'm trying to find some information on a woodland Beach Road is in fact wanted now from what I know I've been to the pier before and I heard that it burned down and people died I know sorry for whoever has lost a loved one but I'm wondering if this apparitions body got taken by the tide because if you know anything about Woodland Beach the tide comes in and the whole Road disappears under water I'm wondering if this apparition body got carried down to wear that Bridges bridge is and he's trying to get back to the pier to maybe go he joined with a loved one that may have perished with him if anybody knows anyting please let me know my email Edie PK 88 at gmail.com if anybody knows anything you can also find me on Facebook at edward kowalkoI would appreciate it anybody's has seen this also I would love to share stories stories with you thank you very much

    Posted 11/18/21

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Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 2,224
Last edit to this listing: 4/26/2017 (2859 days ago)

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