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Old Maggie's Bridge - Real Haunted Place

  • 4850 Woodland Church Rd.
  • Seaford, DE
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Real Haunted Bridges & Overpasses
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Stories tell a tale of a pregnant woman named Maggie who was killed in a car accident on the bridge. Legend says whoever gets out of their cars and calls out "Maggie, I have your baby," are supposed to cause some sort of paranormal activity.
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  • GPS Stopped Giving us Directions

    We drove here and returned at 12am-1am time frame. Our navigation didn’t give us directions after sometime. The distance kept saying zero. And the road wasn’t lit up. Also I was staring into the water and two geese where there. The water was sparkly and I was gazing into it because it was beautifully creepy . Our lights were shining on the water.. and then when I was driving I had to put defroster because the window started reflecting the water I saw. But there was no water on the road reflecting on the window in such a way. Also we started having cravings for food our mothers ate when they were pregnant with us.my husband’s mom ate doughnuts. But they were out of doughnuts before we visited the bridge at Dunkin’ doughnuts. So after our visit to the bridge we ended up running into a gas station with fresh krispy creme delivery fresh. We got one of the doughnuts. Heavy air. There is a church before the bridge and a sign that quotes John 3:16.

    Posted 3/31/24

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    I grew up with the legend of Maggie's Bridge. It's a marvelous location. I have had many experiences out there all the way back to the 80's.

    Posted 7/17/23

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  • Definitely has activity! Also has a book written about it.

    First id like to say, the information provided about about the location is a little inaccurate, not much though. A young unwed, pregnant woman, Maggie Bloxom, was traveling by horse and carriage in the late 1800's in the middle of the night to go be with her lover and escape her parents judgement along with surrounding neighbors, when her horse was startled by a loud boom of thunder, causing the horse and carriage to go off of the bridge and decapitated Maggie in the process. There's even a book about it, "Maggie I Have your baby", written by; Kelly Lidji. I'm the lead investigator of a local paranormal research group, E.S.P. (Eastern Shore Paranormal) and we've had so much interaction here. From rem pod hits, K2 spikes, SLS has shown figures, dr60 has caught disembodied voices, the spirit box has shown intelligent communication. Cat balls have been activated just by asking Maggie to show she's there. Yes/No prism provided answers only after a question was asked never in between. Overall, if you have the proper investigative tools, it's great. I'm also a sensitive so I can sense other energies much easier than most, and have an abundance of my own energy which helps sometimes. Hopefully we'll see some of you down there some time, we'd love to have you investigate with us.

    Posted 5/17/23

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Last edit to this listing: 4/25/2017 (2860 days ago)

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